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Client Reviews
Areas of Expertise
Psychotherapie,(Kognitive) Verhaltenstherapie, Hypnotherapie, Paarberatung, Coaching
(Cognitive-) Behavioural Therapy & Hypnotherapy, Couples Counselling, Coaching
心理治疗,催眠治疗,夫妻关系咨询, 企業教練,高階主管教練
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Client Reviews
"Dr. von Auer hat mir in einer der schlimmsten Zeiten meines Lebens hervorragende Unterstützung gegeben. Seine sympathische und offene Arte hat sehr geholfen offen und frei sprechen zu können!!! Bei Ihm steht nicht das Geld verdienen im Vordergrund, sondern wirklich noch der Mensch und seine individuellen Sorgen. Vielen herzlichen Dank und ALLES GUTE"
Thomas G....
Wir bieten Therapie in Deutsch an
We offer therapy sessions in English
我们 提供 普通话 的 治疗 课程
"I first met with Dr. Wolff 8 years ago, at the time we were able to meet face to face and over the course of only a month Dr. Wolff helped me significantly. I was completely amazed at the difference his support made to my life, I kept his contact details. Years later following a traumatic experience I got in touch with Dr. Auer and we met via video conference, I cannot express the difference Dr. Auer made to my life at that point, I certainly would not be where I am today, healthy and happy, without his support............".
Haley S....
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